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Hours of Daylight

11 hrs 25 min 23 sec
of Daylight Today
47.6% Day 52.4% Night Which is
2 min 40 sec Shorter
Than Yesterday

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Punxsutawney West End Weather - Start page

There are no warnings or advisories

Current weather for Punxsutawney at: 9:00 am => 9:04 am
Clear  Clear
Temperature: 40.3°F rising  Cold 
Humidity: 97% steady
Pressure: 30.04 inHg rising
Wind from WNW Wind from WNW 1.0 mph
Rain Today: 0.00 in
Solar Radiation: 155 W/m2
UV Index 0.5  Low  (Max: 0.5 @  12:00 am)

Our weatherstation Davis VP forecasts:
Increasing clouds with little temperature change Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours

Sun:   sunrise  7:20 am sunset  6:45 pm
Moon:  moonrise  1:17 pm moonset  9:51 pm
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