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9 hrs 48 min 50 sec
of Daylight Today
40.8% Day 59.2% Night Which is
1 min 54 sec Longer
Than Yesterday

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Weather Buoys on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario

Mesomap of nearby weather buoys

 Air Temperature   Water Temperature   Wind Direction @ Speed   Wind Gust Speed   Barometer   Barometer Trend   Wave Height   Visibillity 

17.2°F - - - -inHg - - -

18.3°F - Wind from SS@9.2 mph 15.0mph 30.10inHg -0.01inHg - -

15.4°F 37.0°F - - -inHg - - -

18.3°F - Wind from SS@9.2 mph 16.1mph 30.11inHg -0.02inHg - -

-°F - Wind from SS@8.1 mph 13.9mph -inHg - - -

19.6°F 41.2°F - - -inHg - - -

18.3°F - Wind from SWSW@13.9 mph 19.7mph 30.00inHg +0.01inHg - -

18.5°F 32.0°F - - -inHg - - -

18.5°F - Wind from SWSW@21.9 mph 24.2mph 30.10inHg +0.01inHg - -

18.0°F - Wind from SWSW@18.3 mph 20.8mph 30.03inHg +0.02inHg - -

17.1°F - Wind from SWSW@8.1 mph 12.8mph 30.05inHg +0.00inHg - -

-°F - Wind from SSESSE@8.1 mph 11.4mph -inHg - - -

20.5°F - - - -inHg - - -

22.5°F - Wind from SSWSSW@8.1 mph 13.9mph 30.06inHg -0.01inHg - -

Oswego, NY at 9:18 am: Air:. 17.2°F, No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. Olcott Harbor at 9:00 am: Air:. 18.3°F, Wind: S@9.2mph, Gust: 15.0mph, Baro: 30.10inHg (-0.01), No recent reports. No recent reports. Buffalo, NY at 9:18 am: Air:. 15.4°F, Water: 37.0°F, Dunkirk, NY at 9:00 am: Air:. 18.3°F, Wind: S@9.2mph, Gust: 16.1mph, Baro: 30.11inHg (-0.02), No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. Geneva on the Lake at 8:30 am: Wind: S@8.1mph, Gust: 13.9mph, Cleveland, OH at 9:18 am: Air:. 19.6°F, Water: 41.2°F, No recent reports. Huron Light at 9:00 am: Air:. 18.3°F, Wind: SW@13.9mph, Gust: 19.7mph, Baro: 30.00inHg (+0.01), Marblehead at 9:18 am: Air:. 18.5°F, Water: 32.0°F, South Bass Island at 9:00 am: Air:. 18.5°F, Wind: SW@21.9mph, Gust: 24.2mph, Baro: 30.10inHg (+0.01), Toledo Light No.2 at 9:00 am: Air:. 18.0°F, Wind: SW@18.3mph, Gust: 20.8mph, Baro: 30.03inHg (+0.02), St.Clair Shores at 9:00 am: Air:. 17.1°F, Wind: SW@8.1mph, Gust: 12.8mph, Baro: 30.05inHg (+0.00), No recent reports. Conneaut Breakwater Light, OH at 9:00 am: Wind: SSE@8.1mph, Gust: 11.4mph, Niagara Intake, NY at 9:18 am: Air:. 20.5°F, Niagara Coast Guard Station, NY at 9:00 am: Air:. 22.5°F, Wind: SSW@8.1mph, Gust: 13.9mph, Baro: 30.06inHg (-0.01),

ID Name Time EST Air °F Water °F Wind mph Gust mph Baro inHg Trend inHg
OSGN6 Oswego, NY 9:18 am 17.2 - - - - -
45135Prince Edward PtNo recent reports.
45012Lake Ontario BuoyNo recent reports.
RPRN6Rochester, NYNo recent reports.
OLCN6 Olcott Harbor 9:00 am 18.3 - S Wind from S 9.2 15.0 30.10 -0.01
45151Lake SimcoeNo recent reports.
45139West Lake OntarioNo recent reports.
BUFN6 Buffalo, NY 9:18 am 15.4 37.0 - - - -
DBLN6 Dunkirk, NY 9:00 am 18.3 - S Wind from S 9.2 16.1 30.11 -0.02
45167Erie, PANo recent reports.
45159Grimsby, ONNo recent reports.
45142Port Colborne, ONNo recent reports.
45132Port StanleyNo recent reports.
GELO1 Geneva on the Lake 8:30 am - - S Wind from S 8.1 13.9 - -
CNDO1 Cleveland, OH 9:18 am 19.6 41.2 - - - -
45005West Lake ErieNo recent reports.
HHLO1 Huron Light 9:00 am 18.3 - SW Wind from SW 13.9 19.7 30.00 +0.01
MRHO1 Marblehead 9:18 am 18.5 32.0 - - - -
SBIO1 South Bass Island 9:00 am 18.5 - SW Wind from SW 21.9 24.2 30.10 +0.01
THLO1 Toledo Light No.2 9:00 am 18.0 - SW Wind from SW 18.3 20.8 30.03 +0.02
CLSM4 St.Clair Shores 9:00 am 17.1 - SW Wind from SW 8.1 12.8 30.05 +0.00
45147Lake St.ClairNo recent reports.
CBLO1 Conneaut Breakwater Light, OH 9:00 am - - SSE Wind from SSE 8.1 11.4 - -
NIAN6 Niagara Intake, NY 9:18 am 20.5 - - - - -
YGNN6 Niagara Coast Guard Station, NY 9:00 am 22.5 - SSW Wind from SSW 8.1 13.9 30.06 -0.01

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