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10 hrs 21 min 33 sec
of Daylight Today
43.1% Day 56.9% Night Which is
2 min 22 sec Longer
Than Yesterday

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SDO-NASA and the [AIA, EVE, and/or HMI] consortium.   Space Weather Home

Sunspot Activity

Current Sunspot Activity

Current Sun

Sunspots last 30 days
  • Sunspots are solar magnetic storms. The spots appear darker because the temperature of the spots are lower than the surrounding photosphere.
  • They serve as a reservoir for solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which cause Aurorae, power/communication outages, and satellite anomalies.
  • The Sun's activity waxes and wanes in an 11-year sunspot cycle; Solar Minimum is when the number of sunspots are lowest.
  • There seems to be a correlation between Solar Min/Maximum and Earth's weather. The extent to which Ozone, stratospheric winds, global circulation patterns, and cloud seeding are all affected are still being studied.

Sunspot graph courtesy: Newquay Weather

Current Sunspots

Solar Storms

Current Solar Storms

Solar Radiation Solar Radiation Storms: The Proton Flux shows the last 3 days of data for the most dangerous part of a Solar Storm; Solar Radiation.

Note the left side Particles value of 101 through 105 MeV for the red band, and the duration of the storm. Match with the
Solar Radiation Storm column in the scale.
Solar Storm Index Radio Blackouts: This plot shows the last 3 days of Solar X-ray values for the part of Solar Storms causing radio blackouts.

Note the left side (W/m2) of 10-5 through 10-2 and note the right side M or X. Match with Radio Blackouts column in the

eg. An Xray Flux of 10-3 in the X20 range (very top plot w/out a value in the right side) is indicative of an EXTREME (R5) event-radio blackout on the entire sunlit side of Earth lasting for a number of hours.

Geomagnetic Storm Index Geomagnetic Storms This plot shows Geomagnetic Storm strength. Note the left side Kp value of 5 through 9 (<5 not an event) and duration. Match with the Geomagnetic Storm column in the scale.

eg. A Kp 7 event is a STRONG (G3) event-HF radio may be intermittent, and aurora have been seen as low as Illinois and Oregon.
Direction, Angle, and Magnitude of the Solar Wind can be determined using the dials below.

Aurora Forecast

Latest Aurora Forecast

Aurora Forecast
OVATION is an empirical model of the intensity of the aurora.
IMF Dials courtesy: Rice Space Institute

This 3-Day Aurora Forecast model shows the intensity and location of the aurora as expected for the time shown at the top of the map. This forecast is based on the 0 - 3 day forecast of the planetary geomagnetic activity index, Kp, that is provided as input on a 3-hour cadence. Each frame shows the estimated location of the aurora for a three-hour period. The sunlit side of Earth is indicated by the lighter blue of the ocean and lighter color of the continents. The day-night line or terminator is shown as a region that goes from light to dark. The lighter edge is where the sun is just at the horizon. The darker edge is where the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon.

The aurora will not be visible during daylight hours and it may be an hour or more before sunrise or after sunset that the aurora can be seen from the ground.

Radio Propogation

Radio Propogation Data

Solar-Terrestrial Data
Solar-Terrestrial Data Radio Map
IPS Space Weather
Space Wx Warning Scale

Script courtesy of: Lee from MadALwx.
Graph base code courtesy of: jpGraph

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