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Hours of Daylight

10 hrs 21 min 33 sec
of Daylight Today
43.1% Day 56.9% Night Which is
2 min 22 sec Longer
Than Yesterday

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West End Weather Station This Month

This month's highs and lows

Highest Temperature 57.0 °F 3:43 PM on 03 February
Lowest Temperature 19.1 °F 9:35 PM on 01 February
Highest Apparent Temperature 54.4 °F 4:53 PM on 03 February
Lowest Apparent Temperature 12.1 °F 7:01 AM on 02 February
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature 13.3 °F 8:41 AM on 02 February
Highest Minimum 32.5 °F 03 February
Lowest Maximum 31.9 °F 05 February
Highest Daily Range 25.2 °F 04 February
Lowest Daily Range 9.3 °F 05 February
Highest Humidity 96 % 12:06 AM on 01 February
Lowest Humidity 41 % 2:14 PM on 01 February
Highest Dew Point 48.2 °F 1:30 PM on 03 February
Lowest Dew Point 8.8 °F 11:31 AM on 01 February
Highest Heat Index 57.0 °F 3:43 PM on 03 February
Barometer and Wind
Lowest Barometer (sl) 29.76 in 12:00 AM on 01 February
Highest Barometer (sl) 30.48 in 8:14 PM on 01 February
Highest Wind Gust 23.0 mph 2:56 AM on 07 February
Highest Wind Speed 10-minute Average 11.9 mph 10:57 AM on 04 February
Highest Daily Wind Run 147.0 miles 04 February
Highest Rain Rate 1.09 in/hr 10:40 AM on 06 February
Highest Hourly Rainfall 0.17 in 11:14 AM on 06 February
Highest Daily Rainfall 0.37 in 06 February
Longest Dry Period 1 days to 01 February
Longest Wet Period 3 days to 04 February

Page updated 2/7/2025 7:20:01 AM   powered by Cumulus v4.0.1 (4023)

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Dell Latitude e5450

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Davis VP2


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