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10 hrs 21 min 33 sec
of Daylight Today
43.1% Day 56.9% Night Which is
2 min 22 sec Longer
Than Yesterday

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Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Current Update

Yellowstone Webcam

Good night! This is a view of Old Faithful from a September 1989 photo taken by Jim Peaco.
The webcam image will be viewable again at Sunrise: 07:31 AM MST

Old Faithful Geyser

Information courtesy of ...
U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Utah, and the Yellowstone National Park.

USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory
Cascade Range Current Update
USGS Alert-Notification System for Volcanic Activity
Volcano Observatories: Alaska
Volcano Observatories: Cascades
Volcano Observatories: Hawaii
Volcano Observatories: Long Valley
Volcano Observatories: Mariana Islands
Volcano Observatories: Yellowstone

Current Activity Update

Click this link for detailed:Volcano Updates

Aviation Color Codes
GREEN:Volcano is in typical background, noneruptive state or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has ceased and volcano has returned to noneruptive background state.
YELLOW:Volcano is exhibiting signs of elevated unrest above known background level or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely monitored for possible renewed increase.
ORANGE:Volcano is exhibiting heightened or escalating unrest with increased potential of eruption, timeframe uncertain, OR eruption is underway with no or minor volcanic-ash emissions [ash-plume height specified, if possible].
RED:Eruption is imminent with significant emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere likely OR eruption is underway or suspected with significant emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere [ash-plume height specified, if possible].
Volcanic Activity Alert Levels
NORMAL:Volcano is in typical background, noneruptive state or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has ceased and volcano has returned to noneruptive background state.
ADVISORY:Volcano is exhibiting signs of elevated unrest above known background level or, after a change from a higher level, volcanic activity has decreased significantly but continues to be closely monitored for possible renewed increase.
WATCH:Volcano is exhibiting heightened or escalating unrest with increased potential of eruption, timeframe uncertain, OR eruption is underway but poses limited hazards.
WARNING:Hazardous eruption is imminent, underway, or suspected.
Source: Yellowstone Volcano Observatory

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