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Hours of Daylight

10 hrs 21 min 33 sec
of Daylight Today
43.1% Day 56.9% Night Which is
2 min 22 sec Longer
Than Yesterday

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Weather history

Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
 Temperature  32.3°Ffalling
Maximum38.3°F (12:00 am)43.2°F (4:16 pm)57.0°F (Feb 3)57.0°F (Feb 3)95.5°F (Jun 22 2022)
Minimum32.3°F (6:44 am)28.9°F (1:53 am)19.1°F (Feb 1)-10.9°F (Jan 22)-20.8°F (Feb 24 2015)
 windchill  25.2°F 
Minimum24.2°F (6:27 am)20.3°F (2:02 am)13.3°F (Feb 2)-10.9°F (Jan 22)0.0°F 
 heatindex  32.3°F  
Maximum38.3°F (12:00 am)43.2°F (4:16 pm)57.0°F (Feb 3)57.0°F (Feb 3)109.5°F (Jun 15 2022)
 Solar radiation  0 w/m2 
Maximum 0 w/m2  (12:00 am)155 w/m2 (2:47 pm)   
 UV index  0.0   
Maximum 0.0  (12:00 am) 0.7  (12:26 pm)   
Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
Rain / Melt 0.00 in  0.37 in  0.40 in  2.33 in  
Evapotranspiration0.01 in      
 Humidity  66%  
Maximum78% (12:00 am)95% (12:44 pm)96% (Feb 1)96% (Jan 31)100% (Feb 18 2014)
Minimum64% (2:31 am)61% (12:00 am)41% (Feb 1)39% (Jan 27)10% (Apr 20 2016)
 Dew Point  22.2°F  
Maximum32.0°F (12:00 am)41.1°F (3:20 pm)48.2°F (Feb 3)48.2°F (Feb 3)79.4°F (Jul 20 2019)
Minimum21.8°F (6:44 am)19.6°F (12:00 am)8.8°F (Feb 1)-15.6°F (Jan 22)-26.0°F (Feb 24 2015)
Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
 Pressure  30.05 inHg  Rising Slowly
Maximum30.05 inHg (6:47 am)30.05 inHg (12:00 am)30.48 inHg (Feb 1)30.66 inHg (Jan 22)30.93 inHg (Feb 28 2015)
Minimum29.90 inHg (12:01 am)29.81 inHg (2:47 pm)29.76 inHg (Feb 1)29.52 inHg (Jan 1)28.54 inHg (Jun 6 2013)
 Wind  7.0 mph   Wind from WSW  Light breeze
Gust23.0 mph (2:56 am)22.0 mph (12:19 am)23.0 mph (Feb 7)27.0 mph (Jan 13)58.0 mph (Mar 1 2016)

Equipment we use:

Davis VP2


Dell Latitude e5450

Host On A Rope

Davis VP2


Dell Latitude e5450

Host On A Rope